One of the many questions fiction writers have today is where to get their short stories published online.
In this digital era, the world of publishing has changed dramatically. Short story is one of the most enjoyable literary forms today since many prefer reading online rather than in print.
Writers are now able to get recognition by writing short stories and publishing them on the internet, or through self-publishing.
Whether you are a budding writer or a seasoned writer, you can get your short story published easily, thanks to the advent of online publications. It is heartening to know that many websites do not even charge for your submissions.
Here is a comprehensive list that provides you insights on various websites in which you can submit your short stories.
Where To Publish Short Stories Online:
1. StoryOwl:
If you have a flair for writing imaginative and creative moral stories, fables and fairy tales, get your stories published in StoryOwl. Although targeted for children, StoryOwl accepts stories from all ages. Children can also send in their stories and get them published.
Whether you are a professional writer or an amateur, StoryOwl is a good place to publish short stories online. Previously published work are also accepted in this website, which helps writers extend their readership base.
Read the FAQs to learn more about how to publish your stories in StoryOwl.
2. Tell-A-Tale:
Tell-A-Tale is a website that publishes original creative stories, poems, illustrated stories, folk tales and articles about story telling and book reviews.
If you would like your work to get published in this website that attracts over 150,000 readers from across the globe, visit the TellATale Contribute page for their guidelines.
3. Craftliterary:
Craftliterary features new and republished fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as critical pieces on craft, interviews and book annotations.
Submission Fees: None
Payment: You earn $100 for original flash and $200 for original short fiction and creative nonfiction. What a cool way to make money!
Learn more about their Craftliterary submission guidelines before proceeding to submit in their website.
4. American Short Fiction
American Short Fiction publishes original and previously unpublished stories that are under 2000 words online. This website is known for publishing stories of high standards.
It also conducts two yearly contests - the Halifax Ranch Prize for Fiction and the American Short(er) Fiction Prize for stories fewer than 1,000 words.
Keep an eye on their open calls for submissions page so that you can submit your stories as soon as they open the invite. Refer the American Short Fiction submission guidelines for more information.
5. Short Story Lovers
From beginners to established writers, anyone can publish their stories in Short Story Lovers and get paid for it!
You can use the platform to write, edit and submit your stories.
Payment: This website differentiates itself from its competitors through its rewarding system. The more views your story gets, the more you get paid! Yes, you get your royalty as an author in this platform.
Be sure to read their story submission guidelines to learn their story submission guidelines.
Also read about their Page Count Algorithm and FAQs to learn more about their payment system and FAQs.
6. East Of The Web
Eastoftheweb boasts of about half a million visitors per month that helps your splendid short story reach a wider audience.
Be it Children’s, Crime, Romance, Horror or Humor, East Of The Web has got your genre covered.
Also given that the website frequently gets noticed by agents, the press, film makers, schools, universities and other publishers, your work is sure to get the recognition it deserves.
Visit the EastOfTheWeb submission guidelines for more information.
7. Berkeley Fiction Review
Berkeley Fiction Review accepts submissions for short fiction having less than 30 pages. The submissions must be previously unpublished and can be of any genre.
Submission Fees: None
Payment: $25 for accepted stories
Read the Berkeley Fiction Review Guidelines to submit your short fiction.
8. Zizzle Literary
At Zizzlelit, previously unpublished works from adults of age 18 or above are considered for publication.
Flash Story: 500 to 1,200 words are accepted
Short Story: 2,000 to 4,500 words are accepted
Submission Fees: $3 USD per story
Payment: US $100 for each accepted flash story, and US $250 for each accepted short story. Payment is made via PayPal.
Do check out the Zizzle Submission Guidelines to see if the general submissions are open before proceeding to submit.
AGNI, a literary magazine housed at Boston University, publishes creative content in their print version and website. It focuses on personal essays, think-pieces, memoir, prose poems, formal poems, blank verse, free verse, short stories etc.
AGNI accepts submissions from September 1st to midnight December 15th, and again from February 15th to midnight May 31st. Submissions are to be made through their online submission manager.
Submission Fees: $3
Payment: $20 per printed page for accepted prose, and $40 per page for accepted poetry, up to a maximum of $300.
Refer the AGNI Submission Guidelines to learn more.
10. Short Edition
Short Edition is a great place to get your stories featured. Whether your expertise is short fiction, poetry, creative non fiction or comics, Short Edition is one of the best places to be.
Read the Short Edition guidelines for publishing terms and conditions and royalty payment.
Also read their submission related guidelines for more information related to submission.
11. Saturday Evening Post
The Saturday Evening Post accepts submissions for short fiction as well as non fiction and cartoons.
Accepted short story length: 1,000 to 5,000 words.
Payment: The payment is $25 for first exclusive online publication rights for six months. The payment for stories selected for print will be negotiated separately.
Make sure to read the Saturday Evening Post submission guidelines for short story guidelines.
Tips for Short Story Writing To Sell Online:
Here are some basic tips for short story writing to intrigue your readers:
1. Write about what you know:
Fiction writers need to be experts on their subject matter. That's why it's important for you as a short story writer to research your topic thoroughly before you start writing.
2. Make sure that your protagonist is likable:
Your protagonist should be someone the reader can relate to and care about at some level. This connection will help readers become immersed in the story and lead them on a journey with your protagonist through all the ups and downs of their life until they reach their ultimate goal or solve their problem.
3. Create suspenseful moments:
When readers are reading, they need to feel like they're on an adventure. Creating suspenseful moments in your story will keep your readers hooked and make them want to read more!
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Final Thoughts On Where To Publish Short Stories Online:
By letting your imagination run wild and following the above tips, you can easily come up with an engaging short story. So, what are you waiting for? Get your short story published online easily and attain a global readership.
Submit your short story in the websites recommended in this article and earn the recognition you deserve!